Worst Legendary?

Discussion in 'PS3' started by Inconceivable!, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. Inconceivable!

    Inconceivable! New Member

    Jun 27, 2016
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    I nominate the Flakker. Rubbish. They're worth around $2 million though. I'll give them to my level 56 siren and let her sell them for money. I got a pair of these farming the warrior for level 72 stuff last night and I can't even hit anything with it. I watched some videos on them and they talk about a 'steep learning curve'. I prefer guns that hit the things I aim at. The Wiskey Tango Foxtrot shield is probably a close second. It drops electric grenades (?) instead of a nova when depleted and everything in the general area. Including you.

    What's the worst legendary item you've picked up?

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