Dupers and modders

Discussion in 'Borderlands 2 General' started by icewavex79, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. icewavex79

    icewavex79 New Member

    Nov 29, 2012
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    You know what takes the fun out of the games? People who mod and those who just can't be bothered to go hunting for the weapons themselves. So you have to cheat (mod) the game so it goes your way? Have you thought about changing strategy or going about it a different way? You have to beg and plead over and over for legendary (and now pearlescents) but can't take the time to go find them yourself like those who have them? You have no silver spoon, there is no silver platter. I don't mind a glitch but I do look forward to when it is fixed. Why not play the game how it is supposed to be played? Legit, unmodded, not using glitches, and dying/having to buy ammo. Invincibles are given THAT name for a reason. It's going to take more than spraying and praying to kill them. Personally I am tired of seeing posts about how some are just going to mod to get to max level or create their weapons. Or say they are going to get their *cough* hacking *cough* buddies to take over GB and 2K. Good luck with that. Why ruin the game for the rest of us? I am sick of the whiners and criers who don't want to do it for themselves or feel the need to just manipulate the game to suit them. If your mods were locked out of the game I would guarantee you would not last long with your play style. I apologize to the moderators and hosts for this being so long but I am sure I am not alone in these thoughts.
  2. Redferrari1998

    Redferrari1998 The Moderating Legend

    Sep 27, 2012
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    In the end, does other people modding affect yourself? That's what really matters in this. Modding is allowed by 2K as long as it could be a legitimate item in game, so they won't stand for a modded 1M damage sniper but they would allow a modded Lyuda as long as it's stats we're believable.
    Some people just prefer it that way, and that's what you are going to have to deal with. Other people have different interests and play styles, and will play the game much differently than you. If people want to mod, let them be, there's no Versus so it just doesn't affect your experience.

    I say, don't let what other people do in games affect you, just ignore it. Ignoring it will be a better solution to this rant than banning our modding scene altogether.

    Also, i will take action if this turns into a flame war. You have been warned, people.
  3. Spectro

    Spectro Recently Rezzed

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I agree with red on this one, your concerns are completely valid so don't get me wrong there and most modders and hackers don't care about the other people in the game but no one is forcing you to play with them. I haven't seen anyone "whining" on these forums. another thing is most poeple who mod and hack the game have already beaten it previously and don't see the point in doing it again. we bought the game and we have the means to play how we want, it is just different from the vanilla game which you prefer. Modding and hacking are here to stay man.
  4. Spectro

    Spectro Recently Rezzed

    Sep 25, 2012
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    And lol my Tablet just freaked the hell out so sorry for the spam guys my bad xD
  5. Redferrari1998

    Redferrari1998 The Moderating Legend

    Sep 27, 2012
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    I'll clear it for you, don't worry.
  6. Murkface13

    Murkface13 V.I.P. Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    I understand if this was a competitive game, like Battlefield, Call of Duty and shit like that, but what other people in the game does not affect you, unless you try to duel everyone and get pissed a guy has a modded weapon I guess.

    Doesn't bother me. I know for me, I have farmed the dudes for weapons, and some I have not. I want the cool weapons in the game. I don't have time to farm these dudes for hours and hours and maybe get a gun I thought was cool and turns out it kinda sucks.

    Doesn't really take away from the game. Already beat the game, did all the missions. its just extra shit.
  7. Spectro

    Spectro Recently Rezzed

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Yeah that's the only way I could see where modding being an issue, or in the fact that you may have spent hours farming a boss and never got the weapon but some other guy figured out a way to get it in 2 minutes. Modding competitive games though, that's not cool at all. I do it but only for private matches with my friends. It sounds like icewavex79 just had bad experience with a hacker or ran into one of those little pre-teens that think they can hack because they have Modio. Not slamming on ya dude but just try to keep an open mind that not everyone is out to ruin your fun. We just play differently than you and a majority of us that mod Borderlands 2 aren't huge douchebags
  8. Sacridfire

    Sacridfire The Instigator

    Sep 18, 2012
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    You did know that Gearbox supports modding right? They intentionally made the game easily moddable for a reason. People are going to exploit mod and dupe no matter what Gearbox does, this happens in almost every game. Anyways, I am closing this thread. There was no reason for you to insult every modder/duper here on the forums.
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