Any Thoughts on the Nintendo Switch?

Discussion in 'Portable Gaming' started by gkillian, May 20, 2017.

  1. gkillian

    gkillian New Member

    May 18, 2017
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    I've been enamored with the device since I managed to pick it up a couple of weeks after launch. It does sort of have the unfortunate distinction of being primarily a Zelda machine, but as one of the many, many people who didn't pick up a Wii U, I'm OK with that. Plus it's going to be the 3DS successor, and I can't imagine not having a Nintendo portable in my life. The console features are just a great extra for me.

    Though I'm primarily a PC gamer, I'm finding myself picking up new Indie games that really interest me on the Switch - like Tumbleseed and Has Been Heroes - instead of waiting months for them to go on a Steam sale. Being able to play those kinds of games mobile is easily the best feature I didn't know I wanted.

    Anyway, I wanted to ask here what people thought about Nintendo's new experiment? It seems like opinions are highly divided, with most of my circle lauding it too highly despite some weaknesses (online services, as usual...) and others detracting just because it's another 'low-powered Nintendo gimmick device'.
  2. zebali

    zebali Member

    May 19, 2017
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    I mostly use to play games on PC due to a variety of options. When it comes to the portable game then Nintendo Switch is my first choice. I use to keep it with me while travelling or doing some outgoing activity to calm my addiction.

    I love to play Snow Bros on Nintendo switch. Nintendo is a nice and user-friendly gaming device. I love it a lot.
  3. Nisha

    Nisha New Member

    May 19, 2017
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    At first, I was looking into possibly purchasing it and was really excited, but now I'm sort of glad I didn't. The lack of games for it just seems bad, on top of other issues.

    The only good game that I'd actually play it would be The Breath of the Wild but that's also available on Wii U.

    Seems a lot of money for a console with so many problems and no ''big'' improvements. I'd rather invest money into more games for my PS4. Bit disappointed with Nintendo.
  4. AidenBear

    AidenBear New Member

    May 20, 2017
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    I've been looking at picking one up but I'm not sure if I should.

    One reason for that is the lack of games that I'd enjoy. I don't see myself having too much fun with Nintendo games like Zelda and Super Smash Bros. The only games I play now are racing games (not like Mario Kart) and shooters.

    Apart from that the console seems good but I think I'll just save for the new Xbox coming out at the end of this year.
  5. gkillian

    gkillian New Member

    May 18, 2017
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    I'd just like to remark that the Switch isn't any worse off in terms of games than any other console only a couple of months into its life cycle. That doesn't make the slim library any less of a problem, but it's also not something you can fault Nintendo for either.

    I do think the image of the console suffers from promoting itself as, well, a console rather than a portable you can easily hook to your TV to get overclocked performance. Among the many things that make Breath of the Wild special is that you can take that very obviously a console experience with you anywhere, and we'll be seeing more of those experiences you'd normally expect to happen on a TV or monitor keep showing up on the tablet as time goes on.

    That said, even I couldn't imagine it being my sole gaming platform - it's very much a successor to my 3DS, not a replacement for a PC or console.
  6. Xilkozuf

    Xilkozuf Member

    May 19, 2017
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    I don't have one, but as far as I can see I really like it. The idea of a portable and home console at the same time is amazing, and I like the design ot it too. Maybe it's a little too big, but I can ignore that without much problem.
    Sadly, there aren't enough interesting game avalaible for me to justify a purchase (I mean Breath of the Wild looks absolutely wonderful, but it's not enough). Also there isn't any backwards compatibility with older console, and if I read correctly no Nintendo e-shop.
    I think I'll wait a bit before actually buying it.
  7. john franklin

    john franklin New Member

    May 22, 2017
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    I never had that and never played that after reading these comments I am thinking to buy one. I have a PSP and I love playing games on it if I am traveling or staying outside of the home.

    I will go to a game store and will check the features and graphic quality of Nintendo Switch. If it will be the same as described here then obviously I will buy one.
  8. ReaperX

    ReaperX Member

    Jul 1, 2017
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    I don't have one just yet but I heard some good and bad reviews on it. I might buy it in the future but won't be buying it anytime soon. I will stick to be 3DS for the time being before making the purchase.
  9. joyce.morgan

    joyce.morgan New Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    The first thing that struck me about the Switch is the overall quality of its look and feel. Regardless of whether you go for the neon blue and red set or the more subtle gray pair, the handsome matte finish of the two included Joy-Con controllers feels almost silken, begging to be touched. The console itself – the central tablet piece – is almost alarmingly small and thin when placed next to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or even the Wii U, but its mostly metal construction gives it a sturdy, substantial heft. At the same time, it’s still under a pound with both Joy-Con attached, making it comfortable to hold for long periods. Even small details like the way the Joy-Con snap into place on the included Joy-Con Grip to form something resembling a conventional controller convey a premium feel – the kind of gadget lust that has eluded Nintendo for generations now.
  10. andandand3

    andandand3 Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    I think it looks really cool, and I like the idea, but I do wonder if it is too far out there. I have yet to play it though, so I know very little. I do traditionally really enjoy Nintendo products though so I do plan on playing it soon, and I bet I will like it.
  11. Meeseeks

    Meeseeks New Member

    Sep 11, 2017
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    I saw the commercial and was like "THIS is the NX? That's the big thing we were all hoping for from Nintendo?". While I think the Switch is a cool thing, it caters first to the Japanese market, then to the people who care about playing while being on the move. The reason why Gameboy etc were successful was because it provided a cure to boredom, something which mobile phones do nowadays. All I wanted was to play Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart etc again but on a powerful next-gen console, in my couch at home, with friends or online. Sadly for me, that isn't happening anytime soon.
  12. overcast

    overcast Member

    Aug 29, 2017
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    I have not handled it. But based on what I have seen on YouTube. The device seems to be good enough to use it seems. And the best part it looks like the experience and reviews of people. So far heard the positive about it.
  13. dionnextherese

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Although I haven't touch or play a nintendo switch yet, I think it's very great to play with it based on the positive reviews on social media platforms.
  14. Davidmillernost

    Davidmillernost New Member

    Feb 1, 2018
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    I love to play games on PC or console. I don't like to play such wonderful games on a portable device or mobile phone. It is fun to be at a proper place to lay this game.
  15. Writeratyourservice

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Hmm. Sounds interesting.
  16. overcast

    overcast Member

    Aug 29, 2017
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    I think sales are speaking for itself. not that I complain but so far it didn't catch much value for me.
  17. john kendricks

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I was not fond of it as well.
  18. Annejk18

    Annejk18 Member

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Not really a fan of Nintendo or consoles. I play mostly on my Pc or laptop.
  19. overcast

    overcast Member

    Aug 29, 2017
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    Well the nintendo switch does not bring anything valuable for the customers. it is more of a show item than anything. so it's not worth it.
  20. ReaperX

    ReaperX Member

    Jul 1, 2017
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    Yeah, but soon enough most of us will have to buy it, if we want to play specific games. The DS is slowly being replaced.

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