Hey guys! My name is Mitch or IZiptide(riptide). I am a 16 year old gamer who loves to play Borderlands....obviously. I post a variety of tips 'n' tricks on my YouTube channel about Borderlands 1/2. You guys can find my YouTube channel link in the description. Anyways! Apart from YouTube and gaming, I love to swim competitively for my high school. I like to be fit and athletic, I sometimes life weights so..I do lift bro. But anyways, I'm just a friendly guy who loves to explore and enjoy Pandora!
Feel free to start a thread like this to show off your channel and provide updates and such. Anyways welcome to the forums and you have a freakin epic voice.
i subbed to you and i like the videos you are putting out. and sacrid is right you have a very good voice. any who, welcome make yourself at home and loot on