PS3 Borderlands buddies

Discussion in 'PS3' started by AwakenedSoul00, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. AwakenedSoul00

    AwakenedSoul00 New Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    Hello everyone ^^ just looking for friends to play with. If you are interested, my PSN is sly17160
  2. h2izzo

    h2izzo New Member

    Dec 3, 2015
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    I'll add you

    I won't have much game time for a week or two, but I'll add you on PSN when I do. What level is your main character? I'm currently working on a level 46 Siren. mostly mid range SMGs and pistols with no specific focus on my skill tree. I'm trying to find people to play with and focus specifically on the DLC content. I'm finishing up the last few missions from the GOTY edition DLC packs, but once I'm done with those, I plan to buy all of the headhunter packs. I used to play with friends, but once the main game was completed, they weren't really into buying more DLC to play with me. I'm hoping to grind it out over the holidays and hopefully move on to the pre-sequel after. I also have i think a level 12 Zero, but but I feel like it's time to move on from that character.

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