So this is pretty much straightforward. Personally, im more of a Vibropulse kind of a guy. Which weopons did you go for in Pre-Sequel?
Torrent smg and of course the vibro-pulse has to be there. The shooting star would have been awesome if it loaded a little bit faster.
For pistol I would go with Maggie and 88 Fragnum. Shotgun, I would go with striker. Sniper would definitely be Longnail. Grenade will have to be Cryo Transfusion and Shootind star has to be Shield.
I didn't get touse the vibro-pulse that much if I'm being honest. I used a ton of other weapons, but not the vibro-pulse.
I use any weapon type that i really want, it really depends on the skill of the characters. The game stats will be reflective of the weapons of choice especially if there is the use of class COMs as boosters.