So far I haven't made it past level 1 as I was trying to set up a 3 player split screen with my Wife and my Son like we have done with BL 1 and BL 2. So why the hell would you change the 4 players split screen from the console? What point does that serve only allowing 2 people to play from one console? OH I know! To get people to buy another copy of Borderlands 3 so they can play with their family. This is really screwed up... I honestly should have done my research before dropping $100 on a the super deluxe bundle BUT it was borderlands, in my head I thought why would they change the 4 player split screen option from one console? You seriously dropped the ball with this one. I'm sure the gameplay is great but if I can't enjoy it with my family like I have in the past well, this game gets a crappy review from me due to you guys "fixing" a function in your game that wasn't broken. Sad day... I know there are many more people out there who share my frustrations.
Picked up my preorder yesterday (9/13) for xBox One. I am a casual gamer. Meaning I have definitely farmed for legendaries and eridium, but I don't have OP10s of each class, or in any class for that matter. I am not a fan of BL3. If I weren't so in love with BL2, I would probably feel differently. Gearbox improved on some of the things from BL2 but they also "fixed" a lot things that weren't broken. I also realize it's sort of unfair to compare BL3 to BL2, but not really. The Bad: - Bullets and grenades. In BL2, when you shot something, you knew it, the bullets had heft to them. In BL3 the bullets "feel" like pellets; they hit like pellets, too. I have put as many as 5-6 shots into a lvl 4 mob (as lvl 5 PC) before killing it. I get that GB wanted to make the game harder, but they traded in a lot of the BL2 feel in exchange for difficulty and gore. The grenades, thus far, are a complete waste of time. The do far less damage than even a single pistol round. - The guns! YUCK! Now, keep in mind I'm only level 10 right now so this may change as I progress, but WTF? In BL2 you usually have a choice between mediocre drops until something with a crazy stat drops and you sacrifice mag capacity or movement reduced by 80% for a time while you mow down the mobs that had previously been giving you trouble. Then you get a solid drop and sell the "I'll put up with the draw back" weapon and elevate your bad-assery until that solid drop becomes less and less effective. In BL3 I find myself really, really underwhelmed by the guns. I am getting relieved when a gun that doesn't straight-up-suck drops (or WAY more often then not, I buy one from Marcus). I used to struggle with letting guns go that weren't keeping up with my leveling. "I'm going to put the level 12 infinity pistol in the bank. I know I can't use it on anything but I can't bring myself to sell it." In BL3 I couldn't care less about a weapon, I sell them all, they have no personality or particular effectiveness. They are all subpar. The highest damage guns I have are a level 1 jakobs pistol doing 24 damage (6 shots) and a jakobs sniper doing 44 (4 shots. FOUR SHOTS!!! see above about whether I can drop a mob with only four shots.) Both, because they're Jakobs, take forever to reload. Im playing Fl4k and I usually just sit there and watch my spidering kill bad guys and once in a while plink at their heads (usually missing.) So I've paid $100 for a shooting game from a company that brags about their guns and mayhem, only to basically watch a cartoon of a spider spitting acid at Tiny Tina clones. - What happened to the intuitive game play? I know that GB has added sensitivity controls for looking, steering, aiming and I've detuned them so they are similar to BL2. But where, as Zero, I used to get about 85% headshots with a sniper, I am not lucky to get one every 2 mags (with Fl4k). I know some pro and hardcore gamers enjoy that kind of sensitivity, but it is NOT fun for casual gamers. Especially since the ammo inventory and magazine capacity seems to have been reduced. - The inventory system is TERRIBLE! In BL2 you could sort by type and you would see all of your AR, Pistols, etc etc. In BL3 they are all jumbled in a single list, mostly in order, but not defined by type. This would be less of a problem if the info cards weren't done in some 10 point skinny typeface. Comparing weapons is less clear. Stepping out of inventory now requires an additional button press, instead of just B to exit. - BL3 feels like an unfinished draft of BLTPS. Everything from the exclamation points above quest givers to the REALLY weird way all of the characters look. Lilith has this strange smile that is unsettling and Tannis looks like a featureless cartoon of a creepy AI robot. Sanctuary 3 is needlessly difficult to navigate around. The Good: - The vehicles! I love the new vehicle section, The ability to upgrade parts and customize color schemes is great! The more armor you put on the vehicle the heavier it feels. Big trucks do not handle well and have a huge turn radius. The missile launcher is amazing!! (It's by FAR the best gun in the game!) Hijacking new vehicles ala GTA to get access to new designs and vehicle types is a blast! - The mapping system, with it's ability to look from an angle so you can see the topography of crossing tunnels and plateaus is a huge relief (ha.) - The gore. This could be a negative for you if you're not a fan of gore, but BL3 gets MESSY. Heads explode, bodies explode, graphically. Lots of blood and body parts. - The quest management. I'm a little up in the air on this one. I am so used to using the dead to switch guns that it took some getting used to, but being able to scroll through quests with the left-right d-pad without having to go in to the selection screen is a nice touch. (Especially since the selection screen takes so long to bring up.) - The skill tree. It is much more flexible than the BL2 skill tree, with both passive and "active" abilities unlock able partially down the tree (rather than having to complete the tree.) I haven't played the other classes yet, but as Fl4k, I was able to choose a beast from one tree and skills from another. I appreciate having the option. - Moxxi. Moxxi wears even less clothing. But her face doesn't move when she talks and the graphics on the slot machines are so blurry you can't make out anything. The Meh: - The characters. This is a personal thing, but I like the characters from BL2. It's one of the things I miss most when I play BLTPS. I don't have the same attachment to anyone in BLTPS. I like the characters from BL2 that have shown up so far in BL3 (no spoilers) but part of what I like about them is their interaction with the other characters and those are all missing. It started with the Lillith DLC and GB trimmed it down from there. How much would you enjoy Friends if it was just Ross without anyone else? I don't know why GB decided that they should start from scratch rather than build on what was the best version of the game. All they needed to do was turn up the gonzo factor. BL3 feels like a detuned BLTPS. TLDR: BL3 is less spicy than BLTPS.
Got it on Xbox1 the enemies and names are a bit hard to see but really loving the gameplay and story so far
I've watched Alodia play it with the other streamer and I bet it's really hype. I havent purchase it. I think I will soon.
Borderlands 3 has a lot of issues on pc. I don't know why this is happening after the code masters took their sweet time with the game.
I have some of my friends who got the access. And they seem to be loving it. and it's definitely fun to play from what I have heard.
I like playing the game but not by myself. Preferably 3-4 players attacking the boss. It was really hard to find games that had 4 player couch potatoes. Lol I pre- ordered game hoping yes another 4 player game. seriously 2 player couch potato. - should have stick with your guns and stay with 4 player. Dissatisfied disappointed yea you guessed it.
It doesn't seem very solo marksman other words gotta use shields, drones, armor, magic, and group players....or combos defeat major bosses. Solo gunslinging.....sniping...just not there anymore.....sadly. Was Zero the last BL sniper? 2 cents...(PS4 user here) PS LOVE everything else about it! Gorgeous graphics, characters, landscapes, and storylines! I miss solo, sniping strong BL gaming Any solo suggestions? Is "easier" gameplay mode a more solo friendly, boss-defeating option? Otherwise all other enemies are cake....with JAKOBS, of course
I played 25 hours of BL3 and did a review on the game, top lines are: game has bugs and performance issues borderlands always brought a different pov to the game genre, not this time story is well set and fun to play if you know borderlands franchise, the price will be fair when the game is polished if you are new to borderlands, play Borderlands 2 first, you will have similar fun for less money If by any chance you want to read the details of these points, PM me as I can't post a link. Happy to chat about it.
BL3 Final Verdict: for this gamer…HAIL NOPE!! If you like to do your own fighting and defending…especially in solo pursuits…BL3 is NOT for you! Allow me to explain further… To clarify, you will need to spend too many precious player skill points in computer-controlled passive defense & offense skills that DO YOUR FIGHTING AND DEFENDING FOR YOU! Without shields & drones (Zane), heavy armor & mindless-berserker-infinite-ammo (WTF?)-auto-gattling-guns (Moze), pets (FL4K), magic (Amara), and group fighting….you will no longer stand a chance using your gun-weighted gameplay controller skills (PS4) to make satisfying solo progress through the game….especially compared to BL2. This is particularly true against the new BL3 bosses. IN OTHER WORDS: BL3 abuses computer-controlled passive fighting and defending TO PLAY THE GAME FOR YOU! I like to actively fight and defend myself as a solo player in any gaming I pursue. I don’t want pets, drones, et al, doing my gaming for me. In BL, I am a Jakobs fan because of the finesse (bigger punch with crits, challenging aiming, small mags, and manual trigger fire rate) player controller (PS4) experience. Jakobs-weighted gameplay, especially with bosses, is simply ineffective in BL3. Goodbye Zero…forget sniping oriented character skills tree…and welcome to first computer/second person “shooter” gaming…sadly. Is there a BL3 “Participation Trophy” too?
I played Zane until 50 without the barrier action skill. I used the drone for the radiation perk to weaken enemies and toss a grenade every once in awhile. It was nice to coordinate with it to pick the enemy I wanted to weaken and buff myself with SNTL for the movement speed damage up. Then his grenade tree was a blast PUN INTENDED. The tactics deployed with digi clone swapping was super fun and eating my clone when i was downed so I could keep bringing the mayhem was exciting. SMG bullets flying everywhere. It felt like 95% of my damage was from me even with the AI components of his class.