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How To Get Rid Of Motion Blur On The Outriders Demo

by on February 26, 2021

What do you think of the Outriders demo? Have you had any issues with it? One seems to be cropping up: the use of motion blur in the graphics. Motion blur makes some players ill; other players have no issue but find it makes quickly aiming at targets much more difficult when the game is actively making them blurry.

If you’re using the console version of the Outriders demo there’s not much you can do, but PC gamers DO have the option of removing the blur effects (just not officially). That means it requires going into the code and copy-pasting a few lines, but don’t worry, it’s not that hard.

This fix has been bouncing around the Internet for the past few hours and we can’t attribute it to just one person, but whoever came up with it first, you have our gratitude.

First, navigate to C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\Madness\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor. Locate two files called Engine.ini and Gameusersettings.ini, and open them with Notepad or any equivalent plain text editor. At the bottom of both, add these things:

  • [SystemSettings]
  • r.MotionBlurQuality=0
  • r.FastBlurThreshold=0
  • r.BlurGBuffer=0

Note that it’s also possible to adjust other graphics settings directly through this method. For example, if you get motion sickness from a field of vision that’s too narrow (as I do), you can change it with DepthOfFieldQuality=0. Outriders will be released April 1 for Playstation 4, Playstation 5, XBox One, XBox Series X and PC.

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